So I LOVE Halloween. I saw some Pennywise clown wreaths for sale online that I really liked. They were selling for $50-$60 dollars. I wanted to try and make one myself so I did and it wasn’t that difficult and it turned out great! I thought I would share my tutorial. Good luck and let me know how yours turns out!

- You will need a wire wreath form. You can get one at most art and craft stores or the craft isle at stores like Walmart and Target. You can also get these on Amazon.
- You will also need red, white and blue tulle. I actually needed 1 1/2 rolls of red.
- Pipe cleaners. You could use one color but I used red, white and blue to match the tulle. They were 99 cents each at Michaels craft store.
- You will also need a pair of scissors, a glue stick, and 8×10 piece of cardboard and the ability to print the Pennywise image.

- Cut the tulle in 5-6 inch pieces. They do not need to exactly the same size and having some variation is actually better when it comes to the final look.
- Cut the pipe cleaners into thirds.
- Take a piece of tulle and simply roll it and hold that roll in your left hand (because I’m right handed) while rolling 2 more pieces.
- When you have 3 rolls hold them together in the middle and wrap a pipe cleaner around and twist it a few times. You now have a the pieces needed to attach to the wreath form.
- I made the red ones first and attached them after I made 4-5 pieces until I had the right amount of fullness so the amount you need will vary depending on how full your pieces are and the size of your wreath form.

You will be attaching the pieces that you are making to only the 2 inner wires on the form. Just attach by twisting the pipe cleaner on the back side of the form.
Here is a picture of the back of the wreath once all the pieces have been made and attached. The form will have 6 section. The top 3 sectional will all be red. For the bottom 3 sections you will use a couple of white pieces on both inner wires. Then for the rest of the wreath you will attach white ones to the 2nd inner wire and blue ones to the outer inner wire.

Now you will need to print the Pennywise image. I printed it on regular 8 1/2 x 11 paper on my home printer in color of course. I created a new Word doc and inserted the picture and then dragged the corners of the picture to fill the page. Once printed, I glued the pic to a piece of cardboard that was just a bit bigger than the picture and then put a hole in each corner of the cardboard. Just use pipe cleaners to attach the picture to the back of the wreath by using the holes and twisting the pipe cleaners onto the wires. You can liminate it or add a layer of clear plastic if you need to weatherproof it. I also moved the red pieces of tulle around the front to show his wide forehead and give it a more authentic Pennywise Look.

Hang your wreath on the door and enjoy and creep your friends and trick or treaters out!
If you need help with the image use the contact form and I’ll be happy to send it to you.