This was easy to make. I used a wire wreath frame and purple mesh to create a basic wreath that I used as the base. I then found a variety of Prince Album cover graphics, printed them on my home printer and used them to place in the middle of the wreath. It turned out great!
Check out the full post with all the Prince themed decorations and recipes from my Prince party here.
Materials Needed:
- Wire wreath frame – You can use a 10 inch or 12-inch frame. I used a 12-inch frame.
- Pipe Cleaners – You can use purple, black or white.
- Purple Mesh – You will need 2-4 rolls. I used 2 1/2.
- Scissors
- Paper to print graphics
- Posterboard or heavy paper (used to form a cylinder shape to place in the middle of the wreath)
- Glue and/or tape
Steps to Make the Wreath
- Cut the pipe cleaners in thirds. You will probably need 20-30 pieces depending on the wreath frame size and how full you decide to make your wreath.
- I cut one pipe cleaner to 10 inches long to use as a measuring guide.
- Take the 2 rolls of mesh and unroll about a foot from each roll and layer them one on top of the other.
- Bunch one end together and tie a pipe cleaner about an inch from the end and turn it twice to secure the mesh together.
- Then insert the pipe cleaner that you just tied on the end of the mesh to the middle ring of the wire wreath frame and twist that on a few times to secure it to the frame.
- Now use the pipe cleaner that was cut to 10 inches to measure the mesh to determine where you will bunch it and attach the next pipe cleaner.
- Then tie that area to the wreath. Keep doing this until you have mesh ribbon tied all around the wreath.
- If you run out of mesh then just attach more the same way you started. The pictures should help.
- When you have the mesh all around the wreath then the next step is to pull the layers of mesh apart on the top side of the wreath and move it around to your liking. You can also do this after you attach each section if you prefer.
Once you place this down on a table you can decorate the middle however you want. I chose to print off Prince album cover graphics that I found online and glue them to a cylinder made of poster board.
It turned out just as I imagined. After the party, you can reuse the base as a wreath to hang on a door. You can make another wreath print off a picture of Prince’s symbol for the middle and hang on a door.
Now learn how to make glitter guitars. See all of the Prince Party projects here.