Other Fun Stuff

Purple Appetizers

It was fun coming up with appetizers for my Prince party! I needed as much purple as possible, but also wanted everything to be delicious. You would be surprised with how many purple appetizers you can make. Sliders I made little cheeseburger sliders and while they were not purple, I found cute glittery music note

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Third Eye Sunglasses

Prince had a protege band called 3rdeyegirl. He wore his iconic glasses with a 3rd lens on an album cover. I thought it would be fun to make some for my Prince themed party. They were easy to make, and everyone loved them!   Materials Needed  Purple round party sunglasses. You can find packs of 12-20

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Glitter Guitars

This is more decor that I made for my Prince themed party! These purple glitter guitars were easy to make and really jazzed up the room. After I made the guitars, I strung them with purple ribbon of course, and hung them from the light fixture above the table for a chandelier effect.   Materials

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